The KEK Society
After the death of Karl Emil Knudsen in Copenhagen on the 5th of September 2003 (born on the 16th of June, 1929) a number of friends, former and present employees of Storyville Records and others shortly after formed a group called The KEK Society in order to document Karl’s many doings in the world of jazz. This activity resulted in the establishing of a homepage. Here is offered a wealth of information about Karl as a record producer, book publisher and more. Also it is possible to have a ”link” added to the page for other record companies, libraries, institutions, organizations, jazz magazines, book publishers, etc. If interested please contact our web-master, Chris Olesen at paradis@comxnet.dk. This brief introduction is also to invite readers to submit their contact with Karl, impression of the man and telling about the circumstances you have had contact with him. On behalf of The KEK Society, Allan Stephensen. ![]()
Arne Svenssons samlinger reddet!
Chancen for at Arnes samlinger
ville komme til at ende i en affaldscontainer er nu
afværget. Efter langvarige forsøg på at finde et blivende
sted for disse, er det endelig lykkes Flemming Albertus og
Leif Bjerborg, at blive enige med boet om flg.: Bøgerne er
blevet købt af Little Beat Records/Archives i Svendborg, og
Arnes 7-800 kassettebånd, inkl. den omhyggelige indeksering,
fulgte med uden beregning i et forlig.
Forløbet tog fart grundet den
triste kendsgerning, at Arnes enke, Lea Svensson, for en
månedstid siden var faldet i hjemmet, og var kommet så slemt
til skade, at hun nu permanent skal opholde sig på et
plejehjem. En både trist, men også positiv udgang på Arnes
samlerglæde. En stor tak til Flemming og Leif for deres