The very beginning
Karl Emil
was born at "Rigshospitalet" in Copenhagen on Sunday, June 16, 1929 named
partly after his father Emil Knudsen who during the German occupation
of Denmark (April 9th, 1940-May 4th, 1945) had joined
the resistant movement. He was informed on to the Nazis
and imprisoned in "Vestre Fængsel" in Copenhagen. Only a
few weeks before the allied forces freed Denmark, still in prison Emil died from a stroke. He is now
resting - among others of many nationalities - in a memorial park
"Ryvangen" in the outskirts of Copenhagen. It took hard on the then 16
years old Karl Emil, of course. More than ever he attached himself to his
mother, the only real "family" he now had
(Allan Stephensen)

Helan & KEK